California Bill SB798

The European Union is no stranger to Airsoft legislation but now it is the turn of the Californian Airsoft community to show down against a proposal which would require all Airsoft replicas to be 100% brightly coloured (think pink, red or blue for example) or translucent/clear.
Interestingly, paintball markers will not be subject to the same restrictions as the bill has been amended to propose all spot markers with projectiles measuring 10mm or more are exempt – This is clearly unworkable as paintball marker companies already produce realistic imitation firearms which would need a trained eye to distinguish from a real weapon. Under this legislation there is no provision made for Airsoft and this should be reconsidered.
One of the main points raised by the Airsoft Safety Foundation (created by Californian Airsoft retailers) is that by using bright colours parents could mistake Airsoft guns for children’s toys. If so, then parents may also underestimate the power with which some Airsoft replicas can fire.
The EAA whole heartedly oppose SB 798 and wish to provide our brothers and sisters in California with a message of support for the hearing due on Tuesday 21st June – We hope that your efforts to oppose this bill are not wasted.
For more information on this bill please visit the Airsoft Safety Foundation website – More info at
UPDATE: Seems like they made it for now! Great news and many congratulations to the Airsoft Safety Foundation
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